Seminars & Workshops


Get the absolute most out of your rowing and also have the opportunity to become a certified instructor - getting your name listed on both the UCanRow2 and the Concept2 website. Spend the weekend with a master instructor learning how to best teach the stroke, troubleshoot problems, program workouts and perfect your own stroke. These seminars are hosted all over the United States in addition to online which includes LIVE instruction and coaching with multiple master instructors. Self-paced options are available. CECs are provided for attendance!

If you are a coach and you program or use the rowing machine with your clients, I highly suggest you take this seminar!

Cassi Niemann, UCanRow2 Master Rowing Instructor, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Online or in-person workshops for either gym members or their instructors who already use rowing machines in their facility. This is a good option for any gym owner who wants to increase the knowledge of either their trainers or clients. Includes opportunities to perfect the rowing of each individual in the workshop but also learn how to coach others more effectively.